Saturday, March 3, 2012

Summer in March? Receipe to Oz - Feta salad

Just sent this to Sue in Oz. It reminded me that you can always have Summer... and talking lentils and feta is always a good way to start...

Puy lentils (they call them "French Style" in Oz);

For 250 grams of lentils:

o 4 medium/2 large onions
o 4 large capsicums (how southern hemisphere am I?)
o 6 large cloves of garlic or one small bulb
o 2 generous sized teaspoons of smoked sweet paprika
o 2 "normal" sized teaspoons of either ground cumin or ground coriander (or one of each).
o Veg or chicken stock.

o Sweat onions first, then add garlic and capsicums together, sweat, then lentils, then dried spices. Five minutes covered, then the stock (to 1 cm above the mixture).
o At the end of cooking along with the feta, dried oregano or marjoram (same thing but one's wild, one's cultivated, apparently) to taste - for a the traditional fare.
o Otherwise, as I've done - which is I think what you would have had at our parties, 250 grams of rough chopped parsley mixed through whilst warm (it doesn't get cooked - just wilts in the mixture) and then covered until almost cool, and then the feta on top.
o Additional bits and pieces if in a spicy mood - one good sized medium chilli (finely chopped) and 4 cm stick of ginger (grated) - gives it a little kick.

I don't think I've forgotten anything. Although I've now tried the above with wild rice as well (half wild and half brown actually) and the mixture works great with smoked fish and green capsicums - same quantities.

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