A great cold weather breakfast. The mild heat of ground spices make this very attractive to the palette.
Cook's note:
If you can't find the tomatoes, try pickled ones - I know a little bizarre
for an omelet but I also came across these recently in a Turkish grocery
store and they are pretty amazing!
- Two medium green (or under ripe) tomatoes, or sour North African ones (these latter ones tend to be "dry" in the middle as well as having a sharp "green" taste). If small, halve on the round. If larger, halve the tomatoes, deseed and slice them diagonally. Set aside on some kitchen paper and sprinkle with a little salt. Rinse when ready use and pat dry.
- A selection of sweet peppers (approximately 150/175 grams) sliced relatively thinly, on the round if quite narrow, halved and sliced on the diagonal if larger.
- 5mls of olive oil & a large knob of butter
- One large clove of garlic, chopped finely
- A generous pinch of salt
- 1 teaspoon of ground coriander seeds
- 1 teaspoon of ground fennel seeds
- 1 teaspoon of dried thyme
- Six large eggs, lightly whipped with a fork
- Three tablespoons of single cream or full fat milk
In separate bowl, mix together the eggs and the
cream or milk along with the thyme and add this mixture to vegetables. Using a light touch with the back of a fork,
start tracing the bottom so that this starts to set. Place under the grill until just turning
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