Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Linguine Cabonara

Wonderfully creamy dish which is always a show stopper - I have my own version which at least has the feel of something a little lighter than the traditional cabonara and with the addition of asparagus, gives a little freshness.

We had the pleasure of a great twice-cooked ham over the weekend and some of the leftovers are ideal for this.  Especially this "light" version.
  • 200 grams of chopped ham (or cooked bacon)
  • 15 grams of butter
  • 2 dessert spoons of olive oil
  • 2 cloves of smoked garlic
  • 2 dessert spoons of plain flour
  • 50 mls of cold water
  • 150 grams of fine asparagus - with the last three to four centimetres of stalk cut off the end
  • 75 grams of cooked linguine - set aside after drizzling and tossing with a little olive oil so that the strands do not stick together
  • 1 large egg
  • 75 grams of fromage frais        
In the bottom of a deep pan, warm through the ham in the butter and olive oil, adding the garlic and then the flour after a few minutes.  The heat shouldn't be too intense so leave the heat to medium throughout.  As the aroma of the garlic comes through, add the water a little at time, stirring constantly so that the mixture doesn't catch on the bottom.  Add the asparagus, stir thoroughly and then cover for a few minutes.  If concerned about the level of heat, turn this down to low. 

Add the linguine and the raw egg and stir thoroughly once more.  Covering the pan again for a few more minutes.

Almost at the end, add the fromage frais and stir once more, again leaving covered for a few minutes.

Serve immediately.

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