Saturday, July 7, 2012

Moorish Chicken

Chicken, probably the most taken for granted dinner/supper in most households.  I had real food envy, thanks to @daffodilsoup on twitter, the other night when I saw her picture of roast chicken with roast potatoes.

I'm on a real North African buzz at the moment so I thought I would revive and refresh an old favourite.

  • Between one and one and a half Kilos of chicken pieces
  • 30 grams of finely chopped flat leaf parsly
  • One large red onion, halved and thinly sliced
  • One lemon, topped and tailed and cut into thin wedges (you should aim for at least 16 per average sized fruit)
  • Two cloves of garlic, crushed
  • Two teaspoons of sweet smoked paprika
  • Two tablespoons of flaked almonds
  • Two tablespoons of raisens
  • One teaspoon of cinammon
  • 50 mls Olive oil
In a large bowl put all the ingredients together and amalgamate, cover and rest for an hour at room temperature.
Preheat oven to 190c.

Lay mixture on a large baking tray and cook for an hour and a half.

Serve with a big fresh and crunchy green salad or a big potato salad.

1 comment:

  1. Looks gorgeous. i agree that chicken is underrated, and adding a Moroccan/Moorish twist is sublime. Couscous would be good too
